HomeStaff and Student ProfilesMorgan Beugelsdyk

Morgan Beugelsdyk

Bachelor of Nursing ākonga

Davis Ferguson left and Morgan Beugelsdyk right smile broadly at the camera

Morgan Beugelsdyk’s journey into nursing is deeply rooted in a lifelong passion and a series of profound life experiences. A second-year Bachelor of Nursing student from Pahiatua and of Ngāti Kahunungu, Morgan's story is about resilience, dedication, and a commitment to advocating for others. This journey has led her to become the Chair Student Representative of the Māori Nursing Council Te Kaunihera o Ngā Neehi.

From a young age, Morgan knew she wanted to be a nurse. She attended Tararua College, where she focused on science, setting the stage for her future career. By the time she was 17, Morgan was already working in an end-of-life dementia care facility, caring for patients with compassion and empathy. But at just 19 years old, the emotional toll of watching her patients pass away was too much. 

"I wanted something happier," Morgan reflects. It was a turning point that led her to seek a different path, at least temporarily.

Morgan moved to Auckland to experience wider opportunities. But life had other plans. When her father fell ill, she returned home to care for him full-time. "I was his full-time carer." 

Her father's passing was a pivotal moment. Just a few months later, Morgan pursued her dream of becoming a nurse, this time with a renewed sense of purpose and a wealth of real-life experience.

Entering nursing school, Morgan brought with her knowledge and life skills that set her apart from many of her fellow students. "I came into the course with a lot of realistic knowledge," she says. "I wasn't shocked when I learned a lot of things." Her experiences caring for her father gave her a unique perspective, one that made her both resilient and empathetic – a combination that would serve her well in her studies and future career.

But even with her life experience, Morgan acknowledges that balancing everything – studies, leadership roles, and personal life – can be challenging. 

"I have more life skills than some of my fellow students, but managing everything can be hard. I am human, I miss appointments... juggling is a part of life."

Morgan's journey into leadership began with a desire to make a difference. As the Te Kaunihera o Ngā Neehi Chair Student Rep, she oversees representatives from different regions, ensuring that nursing ākonga Māori are supported and successful in their studies. 

As part of her role she sits in on the Tuakana Council, where she listens to Māori nurses, gathering information which she then shares with the representatives who filter it down to their respective campuses. It's a role that requires leadership and a deep commitment to listening and advocating for others.

The mission of Te Kaunihera o Ngā Neehi is to promote Whānau Ora and provide energetic leadership in preserving and promoting Māori nurses' unique position in achieving outcomes through our health and nursing contributions. You can learn more about them here.

Morgan's journey to leadership has been challenging. 

"I get really nervous talking in front of people," she confesses. But when a mentor encouraged her to put herself forward for the Chair position, she knew it was an opportunity she couldn't pass up. "You have to stand for it, and your region has to vote for it... I did it – it was really putting myself out there."

The 29 year-old was recently elected Chair of the Māori Nursing Council, Morgan can make a real impact. Her role is about more than just leadership; it's about listening, advocating, and ensuring that Māori nursing students across the country have the support they need to succeed. Her journey, marked by resilience, compassion, and a deep commitment to others, is an inspiration to ākonga navigating the complexities of life and study.

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